Stock Information

Stock Overview as of 31 March 2024

Security code 6837
Stock exchange listing Tokyo Securities Exchange, Inc. (Standard Market)
Date of stock listed Nov 30, 1999
Number of stocks issued and outstanding 14,624,000 shares
Stock trading unit 100 shares
Shareholders’ meeting Every June
Method of public notice Electronic notification

Stock Price Information

Stock Administration Procedure

Transfer agent Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation
Address Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation
Osaka Securities Agency Division
6-3 Fushimi-cho Chuo-ku Osaka, Japan 541-8502
Telephone number +81-(0)120-094-777

For details on our administration procedures, please check the homepage of our company’s transfer agent, the Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation.

You may request forms for various stock procedures from the link above.

Major Shareholders

Name of Shareholders Number of Shares Percentage
1 Kojima Corporation 2,048,000 14.2%
2 Yuji Kojima 1,055,800 7.3%
3 NBC Co., Ltd. 524,000 3.6%
4 Jumpei Kojima 494,000 3.4%
5 Kazuto Kojima 460,000 3.2%
6 Toru Kojima 456,000 3.2%
7 Tomoko Ikeda 420,000 2.9%
8 Custody Bank of Japan, Ltd.(trust account) 339,400 2.3%
9 Meiko Electronics Co., Ltd. 273,600 1.9%
10 The Bank of Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd. 260,000 1.8%
Combined total of top ten shareholders 6,330,800 43.8%
  • *1The shareholding percentage has been calculated without treasury shares.

Shareholders Composition

Status by owner

ClassificationNumber of ShareholdersNumber of SharesPercentage
Government & Municipal Government000.00%
Financial Institution1012,8198.77%
Securities Company243,2472.22%
Other Corporation4443,77829.94%
Foreign Corporation222,2791.56%
Private & other2,69284,09357.51%

Managing Underwriter

Main Managing Underwriter  Daiwa Securities Co., Ltd.

Contact us

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